
welcome here.

My name is Ruth. 

I felt it on my heart to start a page for..

encouragement, faith + life.

Doing life with my darling husband, and our two precious littles is the best. We make our home in central Canada, in the warmth of God’s heart, in semi-Narnia-esque terrain.

More importantly, we’re grateful for Jesus and His finished work; because in Him, we are all: seen, known, and loved.

Moreover, Jesus said that He has come, that we might have life in abundance, to the full, ‘til it overflows… A life cadenced by His Grace and bolstered in His Love. A Life and Love in Him, by which we can overcome trial, trouble and tribulation, and, have comfort, joy, peace and rest in every circumstance.

And really truly, most importantly, He offers us Himself. Jesus said He is, “the Way, The Truth and The Life.” This means, Jesus is The Way to God. He’s The Truth about Who God is and who we are. And, He’s The Life by, and, for Whom we were all created.

Ecstatically, on a day not far way, He is returning to earth to make all things new.  Revelation 21:4 in the AMPC translation of the Bible says, “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away…”

…Wow, talk about the best day.

So, herein, is an invitation for you.. Would you turn to His love: truth and grace over you, and receive Him, and Life anew?

Thankful, and so, so glad you're here!

Journey with me. 

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